
GMAT Sentence Correction - Your Idioms

While many GMAT candidates focus on the quants, the Verbal and Writing Sections are very important as well. In fact, strong business communication skills will probably advance your career post-GMAT more than the math.
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The Sentence Correction section is difficult for even native English speakers, but more so for those studying English and who want to study their MBA in English. Watch the following video on some tricky English idioms that could surprise you on exam day!

GMAT - Sentence Correction - Idioms - Video

All sentence correction questions consist of a sentence with part underlined with 5 answer choices. Your task is to choose the BEST version from the choices given which is typical of these standardized tests. Sentence correction questions test your knowledge of standard written US English. A good grammar text is vital along with other GMAT texts during your preparation. Check out the following video to boost your English  knowledge. Be better prepared for the big day and don't be caught unaware in the Sentence Correction part of the GMAT!


Typically about one third of the 41 Verbal questions are Sentence Correction. Don't neglect the Sentence Correction part until the last minute. You need to make strong grammar and vocabulary skills a part of your GMAT preparations up till the big test day! ____ Preparing for the GMAT? Get the Best GMAT Prep today!

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__ GMAT® is a registered trademark of the Graduate Management Admission Council(GMAC). This content is not affiliated, approved or endorsed by the GMAC. Watch Your Idioms - Sentence Correction -GMAT

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