
Discover the Meaning of - Find Legs - in Twisted Business English

We continue our occasional Twisted Business English series with a phrase from the food business.

Previously, we reviewed Harvest Time and  Clean Up. Go check them out!

Today we present another Twisted Business English video lesson on financial stability at a firm.

Twisted Business English - Find Legs

Headlines try to be clever to attract your eyeballs to their copy.

In our Twisted Business English series, I pull an actual headline from a business news article and explain the "play on words" contained in it.

The "twist" is the connection between the phrase in the headline and the subject matter.

Usually a colorful idiom or phrasal verb is used to draw you into reading the article.

Our Twisted Business English phrase this week is - Buffalo Wild Wings Finds Its Legs.

Watch our quick video to explain the expression "finds its legs."

Get my Top 65 Commonly Confused English Word Pairs to learn more English expressions. Learn to use them correctly the first time!


So,  did you guess the meaning of "find its legs" before watching the video?

Now if you come across that phrase again in a business article, you will know its meaning. Or use the phrase in your own writing. 

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Be sure to check a new edition of  my Business English Ace Radio podcast tomorrow.

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