
Read up on the Twisted Business English - Raise the Bar!

Twisted Business English is a series where I take a real headline right from the business press and explain its meaning.

Many times, headline writers use clever expressions to attract your attention so you read their articles.

Sometimes those expressions are not so easy to understand for students of English.

Today you are going to learn about "raise the bar" as found in the following headline - Timken Steel Raised the Bar.

Improve your English. Study with:


Twisted Business English Video

I made this video especially to make the headline clearer for my blog readers.

So, get comfortable to watch the following short video. 

Do you already know the meaning of our Twisted Business English phrase?

Have you "raised the bar" ever before in your life?

After watching the video, you will be better able to respond to my question.


Now you know what "raise the bar" means.

Every Sunday in my newsletter I explain a new business headline.

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