
Academic IELTS Writing - Task 2, Pt. 3

In our continuing series on IELTS Writing, we now turn to Part 3 for Task 2 - the essay. In Part 1 of the Academic IELTS Writing series,  you learned about ed the pre-writing process and organization of your task response with an instructional video.  In Part 2 of the Academic IELTS Writing series, you learned the structure of your task response with a video for illustrating these points.  Recall, Task 2 counts two times as much toward your overall writing score than Task 1 so the knowledge-share, and insights in these articles are very important for maximizing your IELTS Writing score If you need secrets to boost your IELTS Writing score, check out my eBook on the topic.  Now, prepare yourself for Part 3 of our  briefing on IELTS Writing Task 2 - writing faster!

IELTS Writing - Time Factor

One major failure of IELTS candidates is - not finishing all of the tasks! Why? Lack of time.  Recall, you have only 40 minutes to complete Task 2.  The time factor weighs on you. However, you need time to organize your response.   An outline vastly saves you time on the IELTS Writing section. [Tweet "An outline vastly saves you time on the IELTS Writing section. "]   This is a point covered in my IELTS Writing Cheat Sheet[Download
Please visit the English Writing Clinic for one-on-one assistance to boost your English writing skills!

IELTS Writing - How to Pick Up Your Pace

Is it possible to build coherence and cohesion in your essay and still write with adequate time to respond to the tasks? Yes!
Watch the following video for a step-by-step process to save time and thus write faster on IELTS Writing Task 2

English Writing - Resources

While you are concerned about your IELTS grade, English writing probably is going to serve your well in your career either in school or at the office.   Thus, you should have the proper tools now for a lifelong learning of English writing. Three gems come to mind that should be part of your IELTS preparation. 


Well, now you should have a better ides of how to build coherence and cohesion in your response at a faster pace to complete Task 2 and impress the IELTS graders.  Check out my eBook for more time-saving tips on exam day.   Recall, good structure, organization, solid grammar, crisp vocabulary, and precise punctuation are the basis of your writing in general and IELTS Writing in particular.   ____
Do you need more help to prepare for the IELTS Writing exam? Don't panic! Check out my eCourse - Maximize Your IELTS Writing Score now.
Get a sample chapter of my eBook, Wham Media's 6 Secrets to IELTS Academic Writing Success  Subscribe to my newsletter below!  Click Here to Subscribe Now _____ Links to Amazon are affiliate and a portion of your purchase supports this author.

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