
Fight World Hunger and Test Your English!

Rice-Up-Test-English-Fight-World-Hunger Test your English. Fight world hunger.

Have Fun, Test English, and Combat Hunger

Help strike a blow against world hunger! It's time to Rice Up!

Start today. Register to test your English vocabulary or grammar online.

Every correct answer equals 10 grains of rice to help feed the hungry around the world through the United Nations World Food Programme.

World Hunger Programme Factoid (1):

Some 805 million people in the world do not have enough food to lead a healthy active life. That's about one in nine people on earth.

Online game to end hunger

Other Categories to Help Fight Hunger

World Hunger Programme Factoid (2):

Asia is the continent with the most hungry people while sub-Saharan Africa has the greater incidence.

Choose other categories to test your knowledge - Humanities, Math, Languages (German, Spanish, French, Italian, Latin), Science, Chemistry, Geography, and SAT Preparation.

Feed the less fortuante with your knowledge. Think of the rice you are contributing to that worthy goal.

Ask your friends to join in. Together we can all make a difference and help feed those who do not have enough to eat every day.

Are you smart enough to take on hunger?


The World Hunger Programme is based in Rome, Italy. The website is available in English, French, Spanish, Italian, and Korean.

Rice up! Take the challenge to use your knowledge to help the hungry around the world today.

Fight World Hunger and Test Your English!

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