
When to Prepare for IELTS Writing

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Welcome to our continued series about the IELTS Writing section.

In our previous article, we discussed the importantce of the IELTS exam for upwardly mobile elite professionals who see the whole world as their playing field.

The need to demonstrate English proficiency with a credit like the IELTS or TOEFL is indispensable in our interdependent global economy.

Our focus is on writing success on the IELTS. I see too many students ill-prepared for the challenge to produce solid responses to writing Tasks 1 and 2. 

Timing: Preparing for IELTS Writing

As the saying goes, timing is everything. It is even truer for the IELTS.

The writing section of the exam lasts 60 minutes. 

That may seem like a lot of time for Tasks 1 and 2, but  you need to start training for the big day much earlier than you imagine.

I suggest my students start at least three months before the exam date for two principal reasons:

  • Build a strong vocabulary

  • Practice under test conditions
Let’s take a look at each of these elements to your success on the exam.

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Build Strong Vocabulary for IELTS Writing

A robust lexicon is the foundation of solid writing skills.

Growing your vocabulary is not an overnight proposition. 

Really, cultivating strong word power is a lifelong adventure. Indeed, some observers have accurately pointed out how increasing your word repertoire accrues many advantages given your “wealth of words.” 

Some read to build their vocabulary and that is a strategy most educators embrace.

However, for the IELTS Writing, you usually do not have the time enough for our purposes.

An alternative strategy is direct learning using a vocabulary text with thematic lists of words. When you learn words associated with a particular subject, you are bound to remember them better. 

Given the normal narrow time window to maximize your writing score on the exam, embrace this strategy! You can master keywords to help you impress the IELTS examiners.

Watch this excellent video for more vocabulary tips.

Practice Responses for IELTS Writing

A second strategy to approach the writing part of the exam is to be accustomed to the time limits.

You have 20 minutes to complete Task 1, descriibing trends in charts, graphs or diagrams.

You have 40 minutes to complete Task 2, producing an expressive essay.

However, Task 2 counts more toward your actual final score on the IELTS writing than Task1!

One of the outcomes for my Ecourse to maximize your score on the writing exam is to learn how to manage your time wisely, a challenge for many test candidates.

Hint: Practice relentlessly using the exam’s time limits so when test day arrives you feel at ease and do not buckle to the time pressure.


In sum, if you anticipate taking the IELTS in the near future, start today! Take the test. Don’t let the test take you!

I wish you the best of luck on the IELTS. Please stay tuned to this space for more hints and tips coming up soon.

Grab your IELTS Academic Writing Cheat Sheet today! 

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