
Tweetchat - Energize Your #IELTS Writing

Tweet Chat English IELTS 300x162 I am hosting an IELTS Writing tweetchat on Friday, November 28.

I hope you can make it!

Are you preparing for the IELTS exam for December?

Or do you plan to take the IELTS next year?

Do you follow the 7 C’s of IELTS Writing? I will countdown five of them during the chat while answering your questions.

Plus, stay tuned for an exciting announcement at the end of the chat about my new eCouse, Maximize Your Score for IELTS Academic Writing.

Join me LIVE for a #tweetchat at 10AM (New York) till 11AM!

(13h Sao Paulo, 15h London, 18h Moscow, and 23h Beijing). Find your specific time zone equivalent here.

How to Participate in the IELTS Writing Tweetchat

I will take your questions about the IELTS in general and IELTS Writing in particular. Get answers to nagging questions you have about English writing!

Use the hashtag #askcolby on Friday to particpate.

Please send your questions now if you like to: tweetchat (at) businessenglishace.com.

The three (3) participants who ask the best questions receive a FREE copy of my latest Ecourse: Maximize Your Score for IELTS Academic Writing. So, send your qustion today!


Read this article about how to monitor and interact using the #askcolby hashtag during the chat on Friday. Or you can use Hootsuite or Twitterdeck to follow the hashtag and chat.

Please Tweet Your Friends!

Thanks and see you on Friday.

Tweetchat - Energize Your #IELTS Writing

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