
Academic Writing Tip 2 for IELTS® – Task 1

Task 1 of the Academic IELTS® is an analysis of a graph, chart, or diagram. 

Follow this plan for a successful approach to maximizing your score on the first part of the IELTS® Academic Writing section.  

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Remember, above all, the bulk of your IELTS® writing score comes from Task 2 – the essay – rather than Task 1. 

However, you still need to do well!

To Start – Plan!

This advice is not only for Task 1 or Task 2. As the saying goes, everything starts with a plan. 

Your writing is no exception.

If you are not a crisp writer even in your own language, writing in English is not going to be easier and good organization becomes paramount.

You need to plan your writing just as we suggested in our first article in our Writing a Paragraph series (see Writer’s Critique for more articles).

You have 20 minutes and you need to write at least 150 words in Task 1. 

Spend the first 5 minutes writing an outline to your response. That leaves 10 minutes to write your response and another 5 minutes to proofread your short answer essay. (see structure below).

Read the two paragraphs of the task carefully. The first paragraph introduces the graph, chart, or diagram. The second one instructs you how to answer the question. 

For example:

The bar chart shows the number of overseas students enrolled in a third year Computer Science course at a Canadian college.

Summarise the information by selecting and report in the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words

So, in your 5 minutes of planning, review the presentation.

Underline key words. Write related words – synonyms to words in the text. Get a “big picture” understanding of the figure:

  • Circle the biggest, the smallest. stable

  • Recognize any unchanging (static) parts

  • Mark any sudden increases.
Make a summary of these key points in your outline.

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The Outline

Outlining helps you focus your attention on the task and a cogent, proper response.

Check out the video by clicking the image below.

outlining ielts2 300x215

Practice outlining for both IELTS® Academic WritingTask 1 and 2 in particular and your writing in general.

Let us help you write IELTS essays – Check out our English Writing Clinic today!

Step by Step Response

Spend 10 minutes on writing your response.

There are four key steps of your response for Task 1 IELTS®:

  • Introduce the graph, chart, or diagram with an overview

  • Give details -Trend 1

  • Give details – Trend 2

  • Prepare a one-line “clincher” that sums up the main trends.
Let’s take one step at a time.


Identify trends. There are usually two (2) trends in one figure or a trend each in two figures.

Write down “Trend 1 – …Trend 2 …” for your outline.

Find the overall trend of the figure:

  • what is happening/what happened

  • the main change over time (days, months, years)

  •  the most noticeable thing about the graph (key trend)

  • the pattern over time (increase, decrease, stay the same)

  • the pattern for different places or groups or people.
Write two (2) sentences.

Make the first sentence a description of the figure(s) using different words than the text paper (paraphrase).

Make the second sentence about the trend or trends in the figure(s). Begin with “Overall…” so the IELTS reader gets a big picture of the rest of your response about the trends.

Paragraph 1 (Trend 1)

Begin with “The graph (chart, diagram) demonstrates…” Then in the second sentence provide an example – a number – that illustrates and supports your statement.

Give a full response to the first trend you discovered in the planning process.

  • what the main trend or trends are

  • One thing that stands out

  • the main changes in the figure(s)

Paragraph 2 (Trend 2)

Begin with “The graph (chart, diagram) shows…” Then in the second sentence provide an example or examples – a number – that illustrates and supports your statement.

Give a full response to the second trend you discovered in the planning process.


Finish with one sentence by repeating the main trends, or identify a second trend, but again, paraphrasing (use different vocabulary).

Your clencher reinforces an overall argument using words like “most”, “the
majority” “a minority”, “a small number”. Don’t mention a specific number.

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After you have given a brilliant analysis of the the trends of the figures, and written your response, save five (5) minutes on proofreading.


While Task 1 is really less important grade-wise thank Task 2, you still have to stand and deliver a great performance. No slacking!

Proofreading means examining your task response carefully to find and correct errors in grammar, style, and spelling. 

While you are practiciing for the IELTS, go to Grammarly’s Proofreading page to check your writing!


Now you have a roadmap for IELTS® Academic Writing Task 1. 

Yes, you need extra skills beyond simply writing – like planning, outlining, analyzing, and paraphrasing.

Coming Up Next…

There is more to learn about IELTS Academic Task 1. Stay tuned to our next article about comparing and contrasting and key language to describe trends.

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Academic Writing Tip 2 for IELTS® – Task 1

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