
#Audio Clip – L2 - Ecourse for Academic IELTS Writing

Welcome to the third audio clip about my Ecourse for Academic IELTS Writing.

Today’s episode is an overview of Lessons 2 for Maximize Your Score for IELTS Academic Writing - Build a Strong Vocabulary

I have written two vocablary texts. The most recent eBook is Grow Your Word Power: 301 Useful Vocabulary Terms.

You can download the syllabus for the ECourse at ScribD.

IELTS Writing Audio Clip

Please listen to the clip to find out why a robust lexicon is key to scoring high on the IELTS. 

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It is not fair that so many students are illprepared for English writing when the big test day arrives.

I always start my classes with a journal topic to sharpen my students' skills.

However, you still have time to study for an optimal score for your entry into university in an English-speaking country or get that job promotion you have always wanted.

Good Luck on your IELTS!

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