
What does classic Chinese strategist Sun Tzu circa 500 B.C. have to say about women in business today? A lot!   

Sun Tzu for Women: The Art of War for Winning in Business is writen for businesswomen who seek success at the office, but so far have not. This helpful guide is based on the Chinese strategist’s classic on military strategy studied all over the world, The Art of War.

Becky Sheetz-Runkle shows how women in particular and any business professional in general, can employ ancient Chinese tactics to gain a competitive advantage in the rough and tumble business world. 

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The author, a former business columnist and recognized expert on topics related to small business strategy and women in business, produces a contribution worthy of study by business professionals of both genders in her Sun Tzu for Women. 

Sun Tzu’s The Art of War has influenced military and business thinking through the ages. Its popularity continues to grow among Western business elites so much that the tome is required reading in many MBA programs. 

Many students who are nearly obsessed with Sun Tzu hope to pick up morsels of wisdom and apply these solid principles to their business challenges. 

The author does just that for businesswomen aspiring to overcome their current job prospects.

Sun Tzu and Women in Business

The pages of Sun Tzu for Women yell out – YOU CAN DO IT! She accurately interprets the wisdom of the Chinese military strategist and applies them to your daily business challenges. 

Men have used Sun Tzu's classic as a guide to the battlefield in war and business. The easily understood Sun Tzu for Women with its short chapters adds balance with a motivational jiu jitsu kick. 

Sheetz-Runkle demonstrates that there are more indirect paths to successfully climbing the corporate ladder, by adapting Sun Tzu to the boardroom by discussing tactics best-suited to women’s strengths (diplomacy, networking, and alliance building). 

Indeed, women are exhorted to seize the reins to take up leadership roles. Unleash the inner entrepreneur and don't wait for a promotion. 

She takes what you can learn from the ancient Chinese general by applying these tried-and-true precepts to the business world in order to achieve victory in office politics. 

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Sun Tzu would be impressed. He counseled generals that the most logical way to confront the competition was to win by never fighting at all. 

Plus, through dozens of case studies of prominent women in business, the author illustrates how each beat the odds to defeat opponents, and manage successful careers.

Many surpassed challenges through calculated risks, as only Sun Tzu would approve. Today, if you feel self-doubt, fear, and insecurity of seizing opportunities at the office, Sun Tzu for Women is for you.


Sun Tzu proclaimed that victory proceeds battle. Indeed, Sheetz-Runkle strongly agrees that winning begins well before the battle is fought. Perhaps the belief comes from her experience as Grand Master in Sho Bushido Ryu Jujitsu. Either way, she meticulously weaves predestination of victory throughout Sun Tzu for Women so businesswomen everywhere are inspired to achieve the success in the modern world based on ancient Chinese strategems. ________________________________________________
Read a related tome by the author like The Art of War for Small Business on your Fire HD 6.

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