
IELTS Writing Tweet Chat
If you were unable to attend the Tweetchat, Energize Your IELTS Writing, here is a compilation of the texts. 

These 7 C's of IELTS Writing will help you maximize your score at a time when many students fear an English writing exam. 

If you are studying for the IETLS or plan to take the test soon, please study these tips carefully and use them in your papers.

Energize Your IELTS Writing

Do you need to write well at school or at the office? You can learn from these tips I covered in the Tweetchat.  

Please Tweet Your Friends about these tips. Thanks!

Energize Your IELTS Writing - Chat Notes

ieltswriting_smIf you genuinely want to start improving your IELTS Writing score, check out my eBook - Wham Media's 6 Secrets to IELTS Academic Writing Success, where the 7 C's for IELTS Writing orginally appeared

Good Luck on your IELTS!

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