If you were unable to attend the Tweetchat, Energize Your IELTS Writing, here is a compilation of the texts. These 7 C's of IELTS Writing will help you maximize your scoreat a time when many students fear an English writing exam. If you are studying for the IETLS or plan to take the test soon, please study these tips carefully and use them in your papers.
If you genuinely want to start improving your IELTS Writing score, check out my eBook - Wham Media's 6 Secrets to IELTS Academic Writing Success, where the 7 C's for IELTS Writing orginally appeared. Good Luck on your IELTS!
Please listen to the clip to find out why a robust lexicon is key to scoring high on the IELTS. Please Tweet Your Friends about this audio clip. TX :)
It is not fair that so many students are ill–prepared for English writing when the big test day arrives. I always start my classes with a journal topic to sharpen my students' skills. However, you still have time to study for an optimal score for your entry into university in an English-speaking country or get that job promotion you have always wanted.
What does classic Chinese strategist Sun Tzu circa 500 B.C. have to say about women in business today?A lot! Sun Tzu for Women: The Art of War for Winning in Business
is writen for businesswomen who seek success at the office, but so far have not. This helpful guide is based on the Chinese strategist’s classic on military strategy studied all over the world, The Art of War.
Becky Sheetz-Runkle shows how women in particular and any business professional in general, can employ ancient Chinese tactics to gain a competitive advantage in the rough and tumble business world.
The author, a former business columnist and recognized expert on topics related to small business strategy and women in business, produces a contribution worthy of study by business professionals of both genders in her Sun Tzu for Women. Sun Tzu’s The Art of War has influenced military and business thinking through the ages. Its popularity continues to grow among Western business elites so much that the tome is required reading in many MBA programs. Many students who are nearly obsessed with Sun Tzu hope to pick up morsels of wisdom and apply these solid principles to their business challenges. The author does just that for businesswomen aspiring to overcome their current job prospects.
Sun Tzu and Women in Business
The pages of Sun Tzu for Women yell out – YOU CAN DO IT! She accurately interprets the wisdom of the Chinese military strategist and applies them to your daily business challenges. Men have used Sun Tzu's classic as a guide to the battlefield in war and business. The easily understood Sun Tzu for Women with its short chapters adds balance with a motivational jiu jitsu kick. Sheetz-Runkle demonstrates that there are more indirect paths to successfully climbing the corporate ladder, by adapting Sun Tzu to the boardroom by discussing tactics best-suited to women’s strengths (diplomacy, networking, and alliance building). Indeed, women are exhorted to seize the reins to take up leadership roles. Unleash the inner entrepreneur and don't wait for a promotion. She takes what you can learn from the ancient Chinese general by applying these tried-and-true precepts to the business world in order to achieve victory in office politics.
Sun Tzu would be impressed. He counseled generals that the most logical way to confront the competition was to win by never fighting at all. Plus, through dozens of case studies of prominent women in business, the author illustrates how each beat the odds to defeat opponents, and manage successful careers. Many surpassed challenges through calculated risks, as only Sun Tzu would approve.Today, if you feel self-doubt, fear, and insecurity of seizing opportunities at the office, Sun Tzu for Women is for you.
Sun Tzu proclaimed that victory proceeds battle.Indeed, Sheetz-Runkle strongly agrees that winning begins well before the battle is fought. Perhaps the belief comes from her experience as Grand Master in Sho Bushido Ryu Jujitsu.Either way, she meticulously weaves predestination of victory throughout Sun Tzu for Women so businesswomen everywhere are inspired to achieve the success in the modern world based on ancient Chinese strategems.
Now we continue to review Task 2 of Academic IELTS Writing, the expressive essay. For more details, check out my eCourse - Maximize Your Score for IELTS Academic Writing. In our first post, we discussed how many professionals need an IELTS score for study abroad or a promotion on the job. You got a peak at Task 1 on the IELTS - describing a trend or trends from graphical data. In our second post, we began a two-part closer look at describing trends from two bar graphs in a video. In ourthird post, we concluded a two-part closer look at describing trends from two bar graphs in a video. In ourfourth post, we focused on beginning the essay correctly.
Best Move for IELTS Writing
Our final post on IELTS Writing in the series may be the most important. How strong is your vocabulary?
A robust lexicon is probably - hands down - the best move for IELTS Writing you can make to prepare for success on the exam. Think about it. Your English vocabulary is necessary for speaking, reading, listening, and yes writing on the IELTS just as in life in general. Even in your own language, you probably appreciate how important potent word power makes a life in your student or professional life. Our friend IELTS Ryan is back again to help you with awesome vocabulary tips for IETLS Writing. So, get comfortable and pay good attention to the video. It is a valuable lesson for the next 20 minutes. By the way, please Tweet Your Friends about this article too! :)
People do judge you by the words you use in speech and in our case, your writing. So does the IELTS examiner scoring your essay.
Do you like the IELTS series? Leave a comment on the Business English Ace Facebook page. Look out for our editor-cut video playlist on IELTS Writing to help you even more. In the meantime, stay tuned here for more English tips. Good luck on your IELTS! ____________________
Now in our review of Academic IELTS Writing, we turn to Task 2 - the expressive essay. For more details, check out my eCourse - Maximize Your Score for IELTS Academic Writing. In our first post, we discussed how many professionals need an IELTS score for study abroad or a promotion on the job. You got a peak at Task 1 on the IELTS - describing a trend or trends from graphical data. In our second post, we began a two-part closer look at describing trends from two bar graphs in a video. In ourthird post, we concluded a two-part closer look at describing trends from two bar graphs in a video.
Introduction to IELTS Writing Task 2
Today our review of IELTS Writing focuses on beginning the expressive essay. The start of your Task 2 response sets the tone for the rest of your piece. Always remember - Task 2 counts more toward your Band score than Task 1. Therefore, it is very important to make your best effort here. So, get comfortable and listen carefully to this 5-minute video clip about IELTS Writing for Task 2. Please Tweet Your Friendsabout this article :)
I encourage you to check out videos from IELTS Ryan. He thoroughly covers many topics related to the exam. Do you like the IELTS series? Leave a comment on the Business English Ace Facebook page.
Stay tuned for more IELTS tips coming up! ________________________________________________________
Welcome to the second audio clip about my Ecourse for Academic IELTS Writing. Today’s episode is an overview of Lessons 1 for Maximize Your Score for IELTS Academic Writing-Answer the Question. The Ecourse is divided into seven lessons. You may download the syllabus atScribD.
IELTS Writing Audio Clip
Please listen to the clip. Are you already preparing for the IELTS exam? Please listen to the audio clip to understand how important it is to answer the questions fully for Tasks 1 and 2.
Many students are unprepared for the writing sections of both the IELTS and TOEFL. However, you still have time to study for an optimal score for your entry into university in an English-speaking country or get that job promotion you have always wanted.
Welcome to our continued series about theIELTS Writing section.
In ourprevious article, we discussed the importantce of the IELTS exam for upwardly mobile elite professionals who see the whole world as their playing field.
The need to demonstrate English proficiency with a credit like the IELTS or TOEFL is indispensable in our interdependent global economy.
Our focus is on writing success on the IELTS. I see too many students ill-prepared for the challenge to produce solid responses to writing Tasks 1 and 2.
Timing: Preparing for IELTS Writing
As the saying goes, timing is everything. It is even truer for the IELTS.
The writing section of the exam lasts 60 minutes.
That may seem like a lot of time for Tasks 1 and 2, but you need to start training for the big day much earlier than you imagine.
I suggest my students start at least three months before the exam date for two principal reasons:
Build a strong vocabulary
Practice under test conditions
Let’s take a look at each of these elements to your success on the exam.
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Build Strong Vocabulary for IELTS Writing
A robust lexicon is the foundation of solid writing skills.
Really, cultivating strong word power is a lifelong adventure. Indeed, some observers have accurately pointed out how increasing your word repertoire accrues many advantages given your “wealth of words.”
Some read to build their vocabulary and that is a strategy most educators embrace.
However, for the IELTS Writing, you usually do not have the time enough for our purposes.
An alternative strategy is direct learning using a vocabulary text with thematic lists of words. When you learn words associated with a particular subject, you are bound to remember them better.
Given the normal narrow time window to maximize your writing score on the exam, embrace this strategy! You can master keywords to help you impress the IELTS examiners.
Watch this excellent video for more vocabulary tips.
Practice Responses for IELTS Writing
A second strategy to approach the writing part of the exam is to be accustomed to the time limits.
You have 20 minutes to complete Task 1, descriibing trends in charts, graphs or diagrams.
You have 40 minutes to complete Task 2, producing an expressive essay.
However, Task 2 counts more toward your actual final score on the IELTS writing than Task1!
Welcome back to our continued video seris on preparing for the IELTS Writing section. In our first post, we discussed how many professionals need an IELTS score for study abroad or a promotion on the job. You got a peak at Task 1 on the IELTS - describing a trend or trends from graphical data. In our second post, we began a two-part closer look at describing trends from two bar graphs in a video. Today we wrap up an examination of reporting data from two bar charts in the Part Two of the video series. Enjoy! Do you like the IELTS series? Leave a comment on the Business English Ace Facebook page. Please Tweet Your Friends, too! :)
Stay tuned for more IELTS tips coming up! ________________________________________________________
In our last post, we kicked off our IELTS Writing Video Series. Many professionals who need the IELTS credit fear the Writing Section. This video series is geared toward helping you (1) become more confident in your English writing abilities and (2) learning specific tips and insights to help you on the IELTS Writing section.
IELTS Writing Task 1 Video
Today, watch the following Part One Video on answering Task 1 on a double bar graph.
Join me LIVE for a #tweetchat at 10AM (New York) till 11AM!
(13h Sao Paulo, 15h London, 18h Moscow, and 23h Beijing). Find your specific time zone equivalent here.
How to Participate in the IELTS Writing Tweetchat
I will take your questions about the IELTS in general and IELTS Writing in particular. Get answers to nagging questions you have about English writing!
Use the hashtag #askcolby on Friday to particpate.
Please send your questions now if you like to: tweetchat (at) businessenglishace.com.
Read this article about how to monitor and interact using the #askcolby hashtag during the chat on Friday. Or you can use Hootsuite or Twitterdeck to follow the hashtag and chat.
If they want to pursue an MBA in an English-speaking country, a score from IELTS in a British Commonwealth country or TOEFL from the US is required. In fact, more US institutions are accepting the IELTS as well. Moreover, in a recent blog post, we reported how the mobile and global elite are flocking to English-speaking countries, thus making English exam scores more important. In sum, professionals from around the world need a high IELTS Band score for many reasons.
Ecourse Solution for Writing Ills
There is a problem.
Writing is a fundamental weakness among many English learners, even native English speakers.
Unfortuantely, writing is often neglected in English classrooms for a variety of reasons. In any case, students are left unprepared for the IELTS writing section of the academic exam.
A great cure for these writing ills is our solution.
By the way, if you want to improve your writing - not just for the IELTS - download the a specially-prepared IELTS Writing Cheat Sheet.
While geared toward the test, there is still some good advice for boosting your writing.
IELTS Writing Help
We have a cool video series prepared to improve your IELTS writing power this week. Again, there are nuggets of information to help anyone struggling to increase his or her writing.
So, we hope you enjoy the video series. Let us know your thoughts by commenting on the Business English Ace Facebook page. By the way, give a Like while you are there :)
As you may know, the Academic IELTS Writing section is divided into two tasks. Task 1 requires you to describe trends in a graph, chart, or other visual aid. Task 2 requires you to write an expressive essay. Each require solid academic writing skills.
So here is our first video. Get some helpful hints on IELTS Writing Task 1.
Boost your Business English vocabulary now! Do you keep up with international business news? You may already know the term. If not, sit back, relax, and get ready to enrich your business vocabulary. Watch the video below to learn about the term - cartel. Hey, Tweet Your Friends about the video so they can take advanage as well. If you are really serious about enriching your business vocabulary, check out my eBook,Top 150 Business English Ace Vocabulary Words.
Mobility for both educational and professional purposes has been a major growth market for two decades, with a focus on English-speaking countries.
Indeed, we recently wrote a post highlighting a recent study by the Boston Consulting Group in which five of the top 10 destination cities of the global and mobile elite were in English-speaking countries.
The IELTS (International English Language Testing Service) is one of the main credentials sought by government bodies, organizations, and companies for prospects to demonstrate their English proficiency.
However, there is a problelm.
IELTS Writing
Many aspiring professionals and students lack strong writing skills to reach the Band 7 or 8 score needed for graduate studies or a work permit.
Frankly, English learners do not receive adequate practice writing English in the classroom. Whether the instructor is not comfortable with their own writing skills or benign neglect prevails, their students suffer.
Thus, many talented English learners are unprepared for the tough IELTS writing section.
In some cases, corporations use the IELTS to test their employees who attend English classes. In other situations, a promotion hinges on success on the IELTS.
For business professionals, written English is a vital skill given the language’s importance in the global interdependent economy.
The Academic IELTS Writing section thus becomes even a greater obstacle for upwardly mobile professionals.
In only seven modules, with exercises, audio introductions to each lesson, and extra resources (including four eBooks), both students and professionals who need to sharpen their written communication skills can at a relatively quick pace.
Check out the video below to learn more.
The exponential growth of candidates sitting for the exam globally since its inception in 1989 demands a response to help those who need to boost their IELTS writing competence.
A growing elite of ambitious professionals want to participate in the global interdependent economy.
Migration to English-speaking countries is increasing and thus so is the demand for credentials like a high IELTS Band score.
All this week in various online venues we present a host of tips and suggestions for both students and professionals to enhance their IELTS Writing skills in time for the big exam day!
Indeed, it has created a cottage industry by launching seminars, videos, DVDs, etc.
So, just what exactly is the Fish! Philosophy? Why do so many businesses embrace its tenets?
Incredibly, out of Seattle’s famous Pike Place Fish Market comes a way of work that has revolutionized small and large businesses.
Is it possible to have fun at work and still serve the customer? Yes!
The book conveys what it takes to make the workplace fun and enjoyable, and therefore successful.
In other words, C-level executives, HR staff, and any level of managers will want to read this book about motivating their employees to make the business more successful.
The high-energy carnival-like atmosphere at the fish market impressed a new bank manager who was seeking inspiration to lead her melancholy subordinates.
Surprisingly, a fateful trip to the neighborhood fish market changed her mind.
When, writing a paragraph, use transitions and signposting to link your ideas.
Linking, as we saw in our previous articles on cohesion and coherence, is key to clear and persuasive writing.
Learn how to use transitions and signposting to improve your writing today!
Transitions in clear and concise paragraphs help you convey information by establishing logical connections between sentences and paragraphs in your papers.
are phrases or words used to connect one idea to the next;
are used by the author to help the reader progress from one significant idea to the next;
show the relationship within a paragraph (or within a sentence) between the main idea
Make the last sentence in your paragraphs lead into the next paragraph. This transition tells the reader what to expect in the next paragraph.
Another way to signal the direction of your written argument is to use signposting << (transition sentence).
Like traffic signs, signage in your writing directs the reader to your argument.
Signposting uses words to tell your reader about the content of your essay, rather than just telling them the content itself.
Signposting creates clarity while writing your paragraph in particular and your overall paper in general.
Simply adding a few connecting words makes your paper more readable.
Example:Having examined the role of the taxes in the decline of business activity, it is now necessary to consider the effects of excessive government spending on the solvency of the city.
Notice how the sentence links the previous discussion (role of taxes) with the next topic (effects of government spending).
Signposting often occurs :
In the introduction
At the beginning of a paragraph which develops a new idea
At the beginning of a paragraph which expands on a previous idea
At the beginning of a paragraph which offers a contrasting viewpoint
At the end of a paragraph to sum up an idea
In the conclusion
When enumerating a list of factors, signposting occurs with ‘sequence markers’ ( Firstly , Secondly, Thirdly). These markers help remind the reader of your points.
Here are other examples of signposting you may use to help guide your reader to understand the arguments in your paper:
Highlighting or emphasising a point Importantly, … Indeed, … In fact, …
Being more specific In particular, … In relation to … More specifically, …
Changing direction,creating a comparisonHowever, …
Rather, …
In contrast, …
Giving an example For instance, … For example, … this can be illustrated by …
Summarizing Finally, … Lastly, … In conclusion, …
If you need help to boost your writing, we can help! Visit our English Writing Clinic today!
Now you have two more tools to polish your paragraphs and make your writing more understandable to your reader.
Start adding transitions and signpostting words to build coherence and cohesion. Your readers will thank you!
_________________________________ If you need help to boost your writing, we can help! Visit our English Writing Clinic today!