
Business English Breakdown - Japan Business News

In our Business English Breakdown weekly series, we look at business news from China, and either Brazil, the European Union, or Japan.

I examine the news article for three (3) key phrases to pre-teach vocabulary that you may not know. So, when you read the article, you will better understand it!

Japan Business News Story

Headline:  Japan business confidence rises

...stimulus policies broaden. - To broaden means to expand, to get larger.

Economic growth should start accelerating again.... - To accelerate means to gain speed and go faster. the weak yen helped boost exports - To boost is to increase the amount or power (of something). 

Vocabulary Excerpts:

Please tweet your friends! keep budgets in line with EU law - If you keep budgets in line with EU law, the total budget will not be more than what the law allows. 

no draft plan was sent back to be reworked... - Reworked means to do again or to make changes. 

...Italy, Spain, Malta and Finland could put their governments in breach of EU laws. - If you or a government are in breach of laws, you have violated the law. You are not following the law.

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Business English Class Notes:

Now you should be able to read the article and understand it better. 

I encourage you to read busines news written for native English speakers every day to boost your vocabulary. 

Join me every Saturday for a different business headline, either from Brazil, the EU, or Japan. Therefore, it is a rotating headline. The China Business article stays on Thursdays.

Thank you and Happy Business English Learning!

P.S. Please sign up for my weekly newsletter and get the FREE ebook 5 Traits of a Business English Ace.

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