
Twisted Business English - Idiom - On Tap

ontap 300 3 300x300 Do idioms confuse you? Our post today will help.

We feature an occasional highlight of a presentation that has attracted a f attention.

I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the reaction to our Twisted Business English series.

Twisted Business English

We take a business news headline that has a “twist.”

Headline writers are quite clever, or at least try to be.

In our presentation below, headline writers used the idiom “on tap.”

Read the presentation to find out why.


Idiomatic expressions flummox many learners of English.

Idioms, in short, are phrases where the words together have a meaning that is different from the dictionary definitions of the individual words.

An idiom is a phrase where the words together have a meaning that is different from the dictionary definitions of the individual words, which can make

Idioms are hard to understand for English students because of the seemingly endless combinations of words for assorted meanings.

Idiomatic language is quite colourful to express ideas or situations more vividly and often more briefly.

Like our Twisted Business English phrase below, idioms help crate an image or mental picture so people can easily relate to the ideas you are trying to express.

 You may be familiar with this expression: On Tap.

If not, please read on!


In order to get a grip on idioms talk with native speakers, and ask them about meanings that escape you.

A more direct route is to use a textbook like my popular 150 Useful English Collocations, Idioms, and Phrasal Verbs.

Twisted Business English - Idiom - On Tap

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