
Book Review - Art of Learning

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Lifelong learning is “all purposeful learning activity, undertaken on an ongoing basis with the aim of improving knowledge, skills and competence”.1

Child chess prodigy turned Tai Chai champion Josh Waitzkin, author of The Art of Learning: An Inner Journey to Optimal Performance,would probably agree. 

Are YOU obsessed with being the best? Then you will find this text an inspiration!

Trail of Lifelong Learning

Waitzkin retraces his trail of lifelong learning beginning with success checkmating opponents in New York until he developed into one of the best young players in the world.

Bored, he moved onto other challenges. 

Waitzkin leaped to the top of the Tai Chai world with the same and grit determination he showed on the chessboard.
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Waitzkin on Learning, Writing

Now watch the following video to hear directly from the author about his journey of discovery and the love of learning, which drips from the pages of The Art of Learning .


Never stop learning for both lifelong professional and personal growth.

Join the fraternity of like-minded individuals who share a common vision and ardent desire to continually learn and apply new notions and concepts.

Read The Art of Learning on your Fire HD 7 for more about how Waitzkin stretched beyond his limits to achieve and grow as a person.

His inspirational story shows you how to overcome obstacles and channel negative energy into positive lifelong results.

Discover the art of learning inside you as you learn more about his inspiring story.

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