
Book Review - What I Learned Losing A Million Dollars

 “We are products of our past, but we don’t have to be prisoners of it.”1

― Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For?

Jim Paul, the former governor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, would probably wholeheartedly agree.

His rise from a town in northern Kentucky to the big city of Chicago was a mortar shot because he fell just as suddenly.

Along with co-author Brendan Moynihan, Paul relates his gripping tale encapsulated in What I Learned Losing a Million Dollars.

Both as a study of hubris and lessons drawn, everyone can learn something from the experience even if you would not want to live it.

On Learning Lessons

As singer Billy Joel once belted out, “You’re Only Human - you’re bound to make mistakes.”

As we talked about in our previous book review of  Tony Robbins´ MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom.  emotions overtook Jim Paul and he lost his reputation, and livelihood from hard-scrabble Kentucky to lofty Chicago.

Even with empirical evidence  indicating an urgent course correction, Paul persisted in soybeans and as a result lost more than his shirt.

Despite his plunge, he realized that failure will keep you from rebounding – and you must get back up.

41ROhwjGaPL. SL160 According to a Zen saying out of Japanese culture, fall down seven times, get up eight.

Listen to the following interview on the Tim Ferris Show with co- author Brendan Moynihan for more on the book review.


Paul and Brendan Moynihan present a frank assessment by vividly recalling the circumstance that led to Paul’s downfaul and analyze the psychological factors behind bad financial practices in several economic sectors.

Read What I Learned Losing a Million Dollars   on your Fire HD 7  today for a life lesson learned the hard way, that yes, even the mighty can fall, but in the end be liberated.

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