
7 Habits of Highly-Effective Business Writers - #1 - Purpose

Today we wrap up our series 7 Habits of Highly-Effective Business Writers.

Yesterday you learned the #2 habit - Know Your Audience.

The #1 habit of highly-effective business writers is know your purpose.

Why are you writing?

How to Write with Purpose

Have you ever sat down to type out a memo, email, or report and then just erase everything and start all over again?

Stop wasting time!

Recall the 6 previous Habits of Highly-Effective Business Writers:

2) Know Your Audience
3) Concision
4) Accuracy
5) Organization
6) Good Grammar and Perfect Punctuation
7) Be Friendly.

Then, write a purpose statement. 

This one business writing tip can immediately impact your writing task. It works because a purpose statement…

  • Is written first before you get deep into your message
  • Directs your writing by creating an outline
  • States the reason you’re writing in the first place
  • Begins with the end (call to action) in mind
  • Uses vivid verbs and concrete nouns
Once you have this road map, you are read to create your business document with confidence to communication your ideas or sell your product or service!


Now you have all 7 Habits of Highly-Effective Business Writers

Use your firm foundation to create the best business copy you have ever written at the office.

If you need to tune up your business writing, check out the audio e-Clinic, How to Adjust Your Business Writing to the 21st Century. Make an immediate impact on your workplace writing today!

Thank you for visiting my blog. I sure hope  you can now write your best business copy with aplomb!

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