
7 Habits of Highly-Effective Business Writers - #4 - Accuracy

7 Habits of Highly-Effective Business Writers
credit: Rosa Dik 009 -- On & Off/flickr.com
Today we continue our series 7 Habits of Highly-Effective Business Writers.

Yesterday you learned the #5 habit - Organization.

The #4 habit is Accuracy.

Business professionals need to produce flawless language for websites, brochures, newsletters and contracts.

Accurate Business Writing

Accurate business communication is highly-valued in today’s highly competitive interdependent global economy. 

Given the challenges of the current global economic crisis, it is more important than ever to have a solid business communication in order to survive. 

Accuracy in business communications is based on correctness, clarity, and precision. 

In order to achieve greater accuracy in your business documents, follow these three concepts:
  • Use the right level of language.
  • Include only accurate facts, words, and figures. 
  • Avoid slang, and idioms. 

The right level of language is called register among translators. The register of your words depends on the sophistication of your audience. 

Are you writing to executives, mid-level managers, or the rank and file? 

You would use different words to write about a subject to each of these audiences. 

Take for example the verb change.

For executives, you might use the word modify instead. 

For mid-level managers, you might use the word alter.

For the rank and file workers, you simply use change

Try using register in your business writing for greater precision.

True facts and figures are also part of accuracy. 

Make assertions in your business copy with evidence. Double check your figures so no misrepresentation of facts is possible. 

Skip non-standard language. Clarity and accuracy are inextricably linked. Use standard business language by avoiding idioms, metaphors, or business jargon. 

For example, to drill down

Business jargon is lost on international audiences. Avoid any confusion and eliminate the chance your message is lost. 

Instead of to drill down, use to get details.


Some consider accuracy as the most important criteria for effective business writing.

No doubt its importance cannot be discounted.

Good business writing represents you and your company well to the reader. 

Incorporate precision in your documents and earn more business!

For more business writing tips, check out the audio e-Clinic How to Adjust Your Business Writing to the 21st Century.  

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