
7 Habits of Highly-Effective Business Writers - #5 - Organization

7 Habits of Highly-Effective Business Writers
credit: Rosa Dik 009 -- On & Off/
Today we continue our series 7 Habits of Highly-Effective Business Writers.

Yesterday you learned the #6 habit - Good Grammar and Perfect Punctuation.

The #5 habit is Organization.

How to Organize Your Business Writing

Business writing often has just two purposes: 1) to inform and 2) to sell!

For your business writing to influence some audience to do something, you need appropriately organized information.

Presenting a convincing proposal systematically wins over your reader and gains you business!

Over at the Business Writing blog, Lynn Gaertner-Johnston lists four tips to help organize your business writing.

A basic approach is as follows:

  • Outline and divide the material into principal topics. 
  • Arrange the main topics, with the subtopics, in a logical sequence. 
  • Examine the logic of your sketch outline. 
  • Are closely related topics properly grouped and sequenced? 
  • Should your outline be altered - simplified, reduced, extended?


A logical presentation of your business message is another strong habit to develop.

The better organized your writing is, the better chance you have to persuade a client to buy your service or product.

Clear writing is clear thinking. Let your clear thinking shine in your business copy by organizing your thoughts on paper so you make it easier for your reader to agree with your point of view!

For more business writing tips, check out the audio e-Clinic How to Adjust Your Business Writing to the 21st Century and improve your business writing today!

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