
Business English Breakdown: China Business News

In our Business English Breakdown weekly series, I look at business news from china, and either Brazil, the European Union, or Japan.

I examine the news article for three (3) key phrases to pre-teach vocabulary that you may not know. I do the same in classes for my own students. So, when you read the article, you will better understand it!

Headline: China could become world’s biggest economy in 2016

Vocabulary Excerpts:

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OECD also predicts Chinese GDP growth will rise 8.2% in 2014. - to predict = to believe something will happen

The modification to the current one-child policy - a modification is a change

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has become more bullish on China - to become bullish means to have high confidence in something

Business English Class Notes:

Now you should be able to read the article and understand it better. You should read busines news written for native English speakers as much as possible to boost your vocabulary. Write down your vocabulary in a notebook and review any new words every week.

Thank you for joining me for our class today. Look for a new China Business article every Thursday to increase your Business English vocabulary!

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