
Business English Breakdown: Brazil Business News

In our Business English Breakdown weekly series, we look at business news from China, and either Brazil, the European Union, or Japan.

I examine the news article for three (3) key phrases to pre-teach vocabulary that you may not know. So, when you read the article, you will better understand it!

Headline: Is Brazil a fail? 

Vocabulary Excerpts:

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 Is Brazil a fail? - In other words, is the Brazilian economy going to grow or is it going to not succeed?

Brazil's economy is growing...without much stimulus. - A stimulus in economic terms is government money used to buy goods and services in order to increase economic activity.

But there are problems, at least with perception...A perception is now something or someone is seen though it may not be real.

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Business English Class Notes:

Now you should be able to read the article and understand it better. 

I encourage you to read busines news written for native English speakers every day to boost your vocabulary. 

Join me every Saturday for a different business headline, either from Brazil, the EU, or Japan. Therefore, it is a rotating headline. The China Business article is permanent on Thursdays.

Thank you and Happy Business English Learning!

P.S. Please sign up for my weekly newsletter and get the FREE ebook 5 Traits of a Business English Ace.

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