
Way #2 to Boost Your IELTS Band Score - Listening

Listening is considered the language skill you use the most. Active listening is a skill to hone for IELTS Excellence.

However, many IELTS candidates lose points not necessarily from misinterpreting the audio, but spelling!

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IELTS Listening and Spelling

If you get the correct answer, one of the biggest problems for candidates in the Listening Section is misspelling their answers.

Both British and US spelling conventions are accepted - like theatre or theater.
Be sure to choose one way of spelling and use it throughout your exam.

Spelling errors are heavily penalized on the exam.

Along with solid vocabulary, you need to be able to spell your words correctly as well.

Go check out this video of the Top 10 IELTS Spelling Mistakes.

One more thing…

Check out this video for more IELTS Listening tips.


IELTS Excellence continues right here on the blog.

Start preparing for the exam now so you’ll be ready to nab your high Band Score.

One way to up your English and IELTS skills before the exam is to download my FREE IELTS Cheat Sheet now. 

Up Next: Way# 3: Your Reading Skills.

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