
Excellent Tips for Winning Cover Letters, Resumes, and Job Interviews

New university graduates or displaced professionals need every advantage to secure meaningful employment.

You are in the right place!

You need three basic elements to get the job you want:

  • cover letter,
  • resume, and
  • interview.

If you successfully jump all three hurdles, you will win your desired job!

Cover Letter and Resume

Studies suggest you only have 7 seconds to impress a prospective employer.

Think of the cover letter as your sales letter to the target company.

Don't be afraid to write your first cover letter

Heed these 6 secrets to making the most of your cover letter.

You may want to modify your cover letter depending on your profession. Thus, take a look at these samples for great ideas.

Write your resume - résumer from French - to summarize your education and work experience. 

Even review this rubric of key points to mention in your career summary.

Finally, watch the video below from Harvard Extension to craft a winning cover letter and resume. 

Job Interview


Your cover letter and resume impressed your target company.

Now, you are ready to allow your charm to engage a future employer.

Use these 5 secrets to get an advantage during your interview.

Now watch the video for more advice to not only survive, but thrive in your talk with a prospective employer.

Plus, review the presentation below for even more suggestions.

Top 12 secrets to win every job interviews from david21032010


Now you have fabulous tools to take you through the three basic steps to winning the job you want.

Refer to this blog post as often as you need. Share this article with your friends who are struggling to get a job in our global economy.

Good Luck!

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