
Build Your #BusinessEnglish #Fluency, Grow Your Career (#Audio)

Only 7% of professionals strongly agree that their current English skills are sufficient to enable them to do their job.


Our interdependent economy demands a large number of skilled and highly qualified professionals. 

At the same time, while demand is growing, the supply is shrinking. 

That means those professionals who have a strong English proficiency skills have a distinct advantage.

Business English proficiency is a highly valued asset in today’s global 
workforce from obtaining an MBA or boosting your resume for a better job at home or abroad.

Your advancement at the office depends on the strength of your Business English fluency. 

Over 90% of respondents in a survey by Global English agree that English important or required for promotion at the office.

Seize your future.

You can grow your career starting today with my eBook, 7 Secrets to Business English Fluency.

Use these secrets drawn from my own classroom and business experience to strengthen your English skills in seven key areas.

Complimentary Audio Excerpt

Decide for yourself. I recorded the following audio for you.

Listen to an introduction to the Business English fluency text.

Decision Time for Your Future

Visit the book's homepage to get your copy of 7 Secrets to Business English Fluency today. 

Take control of your international career now! 

Strengthen your Business English fluency to better compete on the global stage.

Obtain both the personal and professional success you seek!

Get the English knowledge and skills to communicate effectively, think critically, and most of all, assert yourself on the global business stage.  

Get more Business English tips in your inbox when you sign up for my weekly newsletter and get the FREE ebook 5 Traits of a Business English Ace.

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