
5 C's to Effective Business Writing

Winning Business English writing just does not happen.

Instead, smart writers know there are 5 C's to developing crisp, polished, and persuasive copy. 

Whether an email to a supplier or a memo to the team before a meeting, follow the routine below to produce impressive business copy.

5C's to Effective Business Writing to wow your boss, colleagues, and clients!

1. Clear: As mentioned in our previous article, business writing is clear. You as the writer express your ideas as simple as necessary so the reader understand the text after the first reading. Avoid unfamiliar business jargon or vocabulary which could confuse the reader. 

2. Complete: Did you address the main topics of your document? Are all of the details included for the reader to take action? Consider the 5W-H formulation: who, what, when, where, why, and how. 

3. Concise: Keep your communication short and to the point. Check for any wordiness. Include only information related to your topic.

4. Cohesive: Is your document organized? Or do you ramble from topic to topic without any purpose? Your document should address one or two points. Every line in your paragraphs should relate to these two points. If not, delete them!

5. Concrete: Use specific dates and figures. Use vivid "picture-painting" words that form images in the mind of the reader to better understand the meeting of your communication. Avoid any abstract words. Activate the senses of the reader with your exact copy. 


After reading this and our previous articleyou should have a better understanding of writing documents in solid Business English.  

Practice these 5 C's of Business English Writing the next time you prepare a document!

Professor Colby, author of How to Be a Business English Ace, has been helping students achieve their English goals for many years.

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