
#Tweetchat at 9AM Today - Your Questions on #BusinessEnglish Writing!

Please join me in our Tweet Chat today at 9 AM (New York).

Send me your questions, doubts, or curiosities about Business English using the Twitter hashtag #AskColby.

Where to Join the Chat

Online: Twitter, Tweet Chat, Twubs.

You may use your Twitterdeck or Hootsuite as well. 

Tweet and tell your friends! Thanks!

See you on Friday with your questions! Participants who send the 5 best questions can choose one copy of my e-books: How to Be a Business English Ace, Top 150 Business English Ace Vocabulary Words, or Top 65 Commonly Confused English Word Pairs

Send me a Tweet now with your question!

Please sign up for my weekly newsletter and get the FREE ebook 5 Traits of a Business English Ace.

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